
A Movie Theater
in Columbia City

4405 Rainier Ave S
Seattle, WA 98118

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Jacques Tati


Jacques Tati

Jean-Pierre Zola

Adrienne Servantie

Alain Bécourt


120 minutes


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When Monsieur Hulot, Jacques Tati’s cinematic comic alter ego, goes to visit his sister’s family, his simple lifestyle comes into contact—and conflict—with their ultramodern way of life. In a series of brilliant set pieces, Hulot traipses around their absurdly automated home, fumbles his way through a new job at his brother-in-law’s plastics factory, and forms a very real human bond with his nephew, who is similarly alienated by modern living. A thought-provoking examination of the negative effects of modernity, MON ONCLE is a singular achievement by one of the all-time masters of comic film.

"Tati’s capacity to explore the full contours of the frame takes flight, staging shots in depth with four or five comical elements occurring at once — and it’s up to you as the viewer to decide what you find interesting. It’s a supremely democratic form of comedy. Tati doesn’t underline what you’re supposed to find funny. You have to find it yourself." - Christian Blauvelt

"It is not a comedy of gags or funny lines (the only kinds of comedy left in Hollywood); here tragedy and comedy go together, enriching each other, contrasting and balancing between laughter and tears." - Jonas Mekas