
A Movie Theater
in Columbia City

4405 Rainier Ave S
Seattle, WA 98118

Open Daily

Coming Soon




Andy Milligan


Maggie Rogers

Candy Hammond

Anthony Moscini

Lucy Silvay


84 minutes

SEEDS image

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Sown in incest, harvested in hate. Hope it's a Merry Christmas!

A new restoration courtesy of Nicolas Winding Refn and Vinegar Syndrome of the most caustic family reunion ever captured to film. Andy Milligan's SEEDS is a pure expression of his commitment to capturing conflict, hate, and treachery on screen. Moving from underground theater to exploitation cinema, the queer and openly misanthropic Milligan made dozens of no-budget horror movies, melodramas, and sex films, often sewing costumes and operating cameras in addition to writing, directing, and producing. SEEDS plays like a greatest hits mix for Milligan with John Waters level of exaggerated melodrama and sudden bursts of sex and violence.